by Brittany Lauren

So, what brings an already amazing summer up a notch? A brand new carrrrrrr! (That was in my best game show voice, by the way)

But I'm serious, guys. I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to drive around a 2018 Escape Titanium for a week, and did I ever have fun. It had all the bells and whistles, and I took advantage of every single one. My favourite one? The panoramic sunroof. It was open pretty much 100% of the time and I loved every minute of it. 

A close second favourite was the adaptive cruise control. I got to drive this beauty down to Regina, and this made the highway driving even more of a breeze. The Escape actually senses when you are coming up close to the car ahead of you, and knows to slow down for you. Once the car moves over into the right lane, the Escape will know to speed back up again. All of this without you having to do a thing! 

Needless to say, I had a pretty great time in it.


Now, let's talk about paying it forward. I was lucky enough to be able to drive a brand new Escape for a week, and I wanted to do a little something extra with that time. 

I had this idea in my head that hand written letters were becoming a thing of the past, and it made me sad to think about that. There's something about opening up your mailbox and having personalized mail that surely makes everyone happy, right?

I then took my idea and ran with it. I went to Indigo and bought a package of super cute (overpriced, but cute) blank cards, and decided to write personalized letters to people in my life that I thought deserved to hear some words from the heart. This made for both a way for the people in my life to know that I appreciate them, and a reason for me to get more driving time in the Escape doing hand deliveries. 


I hope you enjoyed today's post, as it was a little something different from me. Stay tuned for more summer adventures coming soon to the blog!


Brittany x




Instagram: @brittanylaurens

Twitter: @bschneids_

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